Mom- status

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My mom got home from the hospital last week and is doing well. The doctors did an exploratory procedure called an angiogram, but decided to give her medication as a treatment (rather than put in a stent, because the area of blockage was in a very small vein- too small for a stent).

I think it's interesting how people respond to different situations. So, my dad is an engineer and I'm sure he doesn't like to feel that a situation is out of his control (especially when it deals with my mom). So, they showed us an educational video about the angiogram procedure before doing it. I was asking questions like, "how long does it take to recover?" and "do they always use a stent?". My dad was asking, "what is the metallic composition of the stent?" and "what are the percentages in this alloy composition?" When my mom was asked if she had any questions (and she was already a little drugged up at this point), she replied, "No, everything's fine."


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